Why we love working in Careers
For National Careers Week, we asked our Careers Development Consultants why they love working in Careers. Scroll down to see what Barnaby, Judy, Yasmin and Sue said about their roles.
Barnaby Ridge
“I have worked in careers guidance for the last 17 years and there are many reasons why I enjoy the role of a Careers Adviser and the work this entails.
Every working day is different and the variety of client endless. We are given the opportunity to help and inspire young people of all abilities to explore their options and realise their potential. We are in a privileged position to be able to help young people overcome obstacles and barriers and enable to set their own personal goals. We then get to see them succeed in ways that they might not have thought possible.
A large part of our role is working with those with additional needs and there is a real sense of achievement in seeing vulnerable and anxious young people and their parents/carers realise that there are options and possibilities for them, when they thought there may not be.
From a personal perspective, the role of a careers adviser gives me the chance to develop our own skills and knowledge through continued professional development. The world in which we live in is constantly evolving and we get to learn new skills and knowledge as part of every working day.”
Judy Kay
“For me, Careers work has always been about helping people find a way to make their lives count. I believe that we should value everyone’s contribution, whatever that is, as our society is better for it. This has been demonstrated over the past year as we have come to value some otherwise overlooked jobs. Everyone has their own set of talents and many need help to find a way to use those talents to sustain their life. By working with our strength & talents, we are more likely to achieve a good work/life balance and maintain a health working life.”
Yasmin Nagy
“I wanted to get into careers advice because when I was at school, I didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do and didn’t get much support in deciding. I want to help young people make sense of careers information, work out what their skills are and decide what they want to do with them. I understand what it is like to have difficulties navigating the education and careers sphere and finding an identity as a young person. I am very lucky to have experienced a variety of jobs and formal qualifications which have helped me to build my confidence and work out which job I will find most fulfilling, and this empowering decision is something I want for everyone.
Many young people have unique and positive skills that they are completely unaware of. Many want to take control of their lives but have barriers in confidence, identity and encouragement. Working as a Careers Adviser means I can help people develop their self-esteem, make informed decisions and inspire, challenge and motivate them- giving them a boost towards their chosen future. I love it!”
Sue Mendham
“I have been working in careers work for over 25 years – yes, I am old and wrinkly! I can honestly say that working as a Careers Development Consultant is the most interesting and varied job I have ever had – and pinching a quote for McDonald’s “I’m lovin’ it”.
No two days are ever the same. Working with young people allows my brain cells to go into hyperdrive as I relish the challenge of widening young people’s understanding of the world of work and personal development. Where some people may see barriers in their career paths, I see challenges and I thrive on researching and seeking out the necessary information and opportunities that will help young people reach their full potential. And the best part of the job – I get to meet the most vibrant members of society who all have inspiring stories to tell. Through my advice and guidance sessions, I am privileged to hear the dreams and aspirations of young people and it gives me confidence that in the future the world will be in safe hands.”