Our experience of a virtual careers fair
This week saw CSW take part in the first Inspiring Careers event with the LiketoBe platform.
The event was aimed at schools, colleges, young people and their families across Plymouth and Devon, with a daytime and evening session. It was great to be part of such a large scale online event on this innovative platform and we were proud to be featured alongside some influential Plymouth businesses and support programmes.
We hosted live Q&A sessions during the day, along with our MyChoices series of informative webinars.
There has been a rise of online content for all sorts of subjects during the pandemic, and whilst nothing can beat a face-to-face conversation with someone, online events are a great way to get informed. Young people have suffered a lot through the impact of Covid-19, with reduced time in school, difficulties in taking part in work experience, and generally not being out and about. With these barriers, it can be tricky to know where to seek out accurate, relevant, and current information about the world of work. Whilst our Career Development Consultants and Community Engagement Advisers, along with Key Workers, have worked throughout the pandemic they have been not been able to interact with young people in the same way and our schools & communities have been unable to host their usual careers events.
This event is a great way to bridge the gap between a myriad of online information and face-to-face conversations. There were so many employers engaging with the site, offering insights into their companies and career routes. Along with top tips on employability skills, CV’s, and work experiences.
We used the platform to promote our series of webinars, MyChoices, that we created in partnership with the Careers & Enterprise Company and Heart of the South West LEP. These are great tools for gathering accurate information and learning about a variety of career-related topics. We picked “What Employers look for in an employee” for our live session, running the video alongside a live chat with our qualified Consultants. We have a number of questions on what counts as experience, which qualities are important and can I use experiences in my personal life on my CV, among others. Through our Services to Education, you can get in touch with our experienced and qualified Consultants, visit our Education web page.
We can’t recommend joining an online careers event enough, especially whilst we are unable to do the same face-to-face events we love.
Visit our LiketoBe profile here.
For more information on our events, or to discuss collaboration, get in touch with Verity French, verity.french@cswgroup.co.uk.