Introduction to Investor in Careers
My name is Steph Moore, I am the Services to Education Manager for CSW Group, and I manage Investor in Careers.
I always welcome any opportunity to write or talk about Investor in Careers as I am passionate about careers excellent and raising standards wherever possible. I am incredibly proud to be part of this unique national service.
The Quality in Careers Standard through the Investor in Careers model is designed to accredit to the highest quality Careers Education Standard.
We use the CODE structure as our approach to the Quality in Careers Standard
CODE stands for Commitment, Organisation, Delivery and Evaluation.
We use this to help organisations structure their approach to achieving the standard. Our Assessors will use CODE to assess an organisations careers guidance programme.
The preparation and development resulting from the process leading up to the external assessment and accreditation is what we are passionate about. We want to recognise quality career guidance which will successfully prepare young people joining the workforce, whether at the end of their time at school, or later after further study, to be the best they can.
In Investor in Careers, we always ensure the student is at the heart of everything we do. In the Services to Education Department, we are passionate about students and helping organisations.
Our Investor in Careers team is made of up experienced Practitioners, Assessors and Educators within Career Guidance.
This team is supported by a highly experienced Operational Manager; Tim Warren, Services to Education Manager: Steph Moore and Team Leader: Sophie Cusden.
We work in many ways to support Schools and Colleges achieve their award. Recently we have embarked on Virtual delivery to help organisations be able to still work towards achieving their award.
Once a school has demonstrated their commitment to the Quality in Careers Standard, we will enter dialogue to support them moving forward to achieve the Award. The school can then also access support from our Team, use e-portfolio and have access to an online team’s chat facility for support.
With regards to time frames, Schools/Colleges normally take between 12 and 18 months to complete the process; though if you believe you have everything in place we can and will assess you sooner.
We always welcome the opportunity to support you on your journey towards careers excellence, but please make sure you speak with our Team first to ensure that this award is the right thing for you.
My advice to any organisation considering working towards the Standard is to work with us to set realistic and achievable timescales to keep your momentum going.
We would be delighted to work with you to help you achieve the highest standard in Careers Guidance for your organisation.
To make the first step, please contact the Investor in Careers (IiC) department initially through our e-mail address shown below.
A huge Congratulations to all those who have fully met the standard or are making good process towards the award so far this year:
Fully Meets:
Harrogate Grammar School
Truro and Penwith College
St Joan of Arc Catholic School
Making Good Progress towards:
Paignton Academy