JamFirst... JayFirst

Jay joined the COMPASS project with partner Argyle Community Trust, referred through JCP to help her build employability skills and her self-confidence, she has ASD and felt she would never gain paid work.
WOW – how her goals grew through the 4 months of support!
Jay did not have any paid employment before and was struggling to find an employment that they would feel comfortable in and would understand her neuro-divertisity. Her goal was just to complete the level 1 employability qualification and think about employment later on in the year. How this goal changed over the past 4 months of working with the Argyle Community Trust through the COMPASS project.
At first, Jay was hesitant to join the group sessions due to her mental health concerns. However, Jay made positive and healthy friendships on the course that showed her empathy and understanding. This boosted Jay’s self-confidence and she found comfort in knowing that there was a group of like-minded people that Jay could share her worries with no judgement.
Jay was a keen participant throughout the sessions and flew through the Level 1 Employability qualification, while also making sure she fully absorbed the skills learnt.
Jay now has a job for a locally owned and resourced Cornish Jam company, she is bursting with pride and so are we.
Jay said,
“It feels great and a blessing to know and be able to say I have a good job with good accommodation and pay, especially as so many other autistic people around my age can’t even get to the interview stage. I’m definitely in a super privileged position. I struck gold with the agency and this job. I’ll certainly never take it for granted!
It also feels awesome to say I work for a locally owned and resourced Cornish company. The county’s economy certainly needs a leg-up, people need homes, money, etc. And today I assisted in that. It’s a small contribution, but it feels bloody good that I can give back to my home and community just by putting thousands of small jam pots into boxes! I helped the Cornish economy AND supported a local business! Also I lost count of how many pots I went through and even the boxes, for a little chuckle. I don’t know how many I packed.
I also wanted to thank you as much as possible from the bottom of my heart. You helped make this all possible, and all with genuine care for me in that room and jobcentre, through all the rubbish I’ve been going through. Without your support I don’t think I would’ve ever gotten the drive to actually seek a job! Agreeing to Plymouth Argyle was definitely one of the best decisions I’ve made this year, and I’ll always be grateful for everything you’ve done for this small, neurodivergent and semi-closeted trans girl who at first never thought she’d work a day in her life <3
Thank you so much.”
We can support you with your next steps on the COMPASS project;
Call CSW-COMPASS Project on 0800 97 55 111, or visit www.cswgroup.co.uk/compass