Ever wondered what an engineer does? Could you see yourself exploring outer space, protecting the environment, designing apps or developing cures for diseases? Engineers do all this, and more!

Use the Tomorrow’s Engineers Week ‘Meet the Future You’ quiz to show children and young people the future career options that are open to them.

Meet the Future You quizzes young people on their skills and interests to identify different areas of engineering in which they might enjoy working in the future.

By answering a series of lifestyle and interest questions students will have the chance to discover if they are Coding Legends, Civilisation Savers, Crime Preventers, Cure Creators, Electric Dynamos, Materials Makers, Future Lifesavers, Mechanical Marvels, Electron Pioneers, Sea Crusaders or Universe Explorers!

Meet the Future You is available as an app on both Android and iOS and an in-browser quiz. It was developed by EngineeringUK in partnership with UCL Engineering and with support from ICE, IET, IMECHE, IOP and the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Find the quiz here