On two Monday evenings in November 2018, two members of the CSW Group Plymouth team –Sherri Bushen and Katie Cable facilitated an event for a group of parents of students with EHC Plans in the city.  The events were held at City College Plymouth and the Plymouth Creative School of Arts.

The purpose of the event was for the parents of young people with SEND to start receiving information about their post 16 pathways at an earlier stage in their education.  The events were aimed at parents with children in Year 9 and 10.

A Core principle for Transition Pathway planning is to ensure that good information, advice and guidance is available to all families and this starts from year 9 onwards.

CSW delivered a presentation that detailed Post 16 options and pathways including Post 16 education options, supported internships, mentoring, apprenticeships, volunteering and supported employment.

During the course of the evening there were also presentations delivered by City College Plymouth Staff, Plymouth Information and Advice for SEND and Plymouth Parent Carer Voice.

As well as the presentations there was also the opportunity for parents to ask questions and gather information as well as talk directly to the commissioner for SEND for Plymouth City Council.

Sherri and Kate both felt that it was a very worthwhile evening to attend and the feedback from parents was all very positive.  Due to the success of the first two events, more dates have been planned for this Year. These have been scheduled for a range of days and times to allow as many parents as possible to attend.  All future events have been scheduled to happen at City College Plymouth in the new STEM building.  There will be a final event in April (date to be confirmed) that is aimed at parents and students and will provide an opportunity for students to have a tour of the campus and college facilities.  An exciting opportunity not to be missed!

Following the parent’s events there is also the opportunity for parents to book a one to one guidance appointment with an adviser if they have further queries and wish to discuss their child’s Post 16 pathways on a more individual basis.


“Opportunities I have never been told about before.”